Transportation Referencey
Cash, Tokens and Transfers | A history of Urban Mass Transit in North America | $26.95 Details |
Environmental Management for Road and Rail Transportation Systems | Jane’s Special Report
(Transportation) |
$945.00 Details |
The Geography of Urban Transportation
by Susan Hanson |
Three substantial introductory chapters are followed by seven chapters outlining various analytical approaches to transportation problems, balancing historical material with descriptions and analyses of travel at the aggregate and disaggregate levels, methodological presentations, and policy descriptions. | $60.00 Details |
The Greening of Urban Transport
by R.S. Tolley |
This book provides a stimulating and convincing argument for incorporating green modes of transportation in modern city transportation plans. It provides a primer on the green modes — walking and cycling — and describes theoretical considerations as well as practice in a variety of ways. | $120.00 Details |
Jane’s Urban Transport Systems | Jane’s Urban Transport Systems, 2000-2001 The Classic one, a must for all transportation professionals |
$555.00 Details |
The Next American Metropolis
Peter Calthorpe |
This book presents 24 of Calthorpe’s regional urban plans, in which towns are organized so that residents can be less dependent upon their Car Rentals and can walk, bike, or take public transportation between work, school, home, and shopping. This book is not just for architects and urban planners, but for all concerned citizens interested in developing a cohesive, feasible vision of the sustainable city of the future | $24.95 Details |
Railway Conductors
by Edwin Clyde Robbins
A Study in organized Labor | $32.50 Details |
Sustainability and Cities
by Peter Newman, Jeffrey Kenworthy |
“Sustainability and Cities” examines the urban aspect of sustainability issues, arguing that cities are a necessary focus for that global agenda. The authors make the case that the essential character of a city’s land use results from how it manages its transportation, and that only by reducing our automobile dependence will we be able to successfully accommodate all elements of the sustainability agenda. | $40.00 Details |
The Transit Metropolis
by Robert Cervero |
A number of metropolitan areas have in recent decades managed to mount cost-effective and resource-conserving transit services that provide alternatives to car travel. What sets these places apart? | $45.00 Details |
Transit Villages in the 21st Century by Michael Bernick, Robert Cervero |
This timely guide shows urban planners, architects, and other professionals how this new approach to urban development spurs community development. 75 illustrations. |
$34.36 Details |
Transport Concepts in European Cities
by Tim Pharoah, Dieter Apel |
Avebury Studies in Green Research | $99.95 Details |
Transportation for Livable Cities
by Vukan R. Vuchic |
Comprehensive guide for urban and suburban transportation related subjects. | $29.95 Details |
Transportation Management Through Partnerships/T10
by Robert T. Dunphy |
A Must for the serious CEO and Management | $45.95 Details |
Transportation Planning
Transportation Research Record, No 1364 |
Programming, Land Use, and Applications of Geographic Information Systems | $60.30 Details |
Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering |
For senior undergraduate and postgraduate students in transport and traffic engineering -Also of value to practising engineers and urban planners ‘Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering’ is a comprehensive textbook on the relevant principles and practice. | $125.00 Details |
Transport Planning in Third World Cities
by H.T. Dititriou |
Extensive Reference Book covering all aspects of subject thoroughly | $85.50
used only available |
Transport Policy and the Environment
by David Banister |
Transport Policy and the Environment presents for the first time the results of extensive research: * quantifying the contribution of transportto environmental problems; * assessing the options for resolving those problems | $85.00 Details |
Travel By Design
by Marlon G. Boarnet, Randall Crane |
As a systematic assessment of attempts to solve transportation problems through urban design, this book asks and answers three questions: Can such efforts work? Will they be put into practice? Are they a good idea? | $65.00 Details |
Urban Land-Use and Transport Interaction: Policies and Models by F.V. Webster, P.H. Bly |
Vital Information, Statistics, several Models |
used only available |
Urban Transportation Planning in theUnited States
by Edward Weiner |
A definitive, brief institutional overview of urban transportation planning in the US from 1920 to the present. The book is a highly readable, nontechnical summary of a rich and diverse decision-making arena that mirrors faithfully the changing dynamic of urban life and politics in America in the late 20th century. | $59.95 Details |
Urban Transportation Planning
by Michael D. Meyer, Eric J. Miller |
The book can serve as an ideal textbook for both undergraduate and graduate courses in Urban Transportation Planning. It fills an appropriate and important niche by giving proper emphasis to what “actors” and activities can influence the quality of the planning process and its eventual impact on a community. | $110.00 Details |
Urban Public Transportation Systems
by the American Society of Civil Engineers, edited by Murthy V.A. Bondada, |
Describes the urban public transportation systems of 25 large cities around the world, including Amsterdam, Beijing, Chicago, and London, analyzing socio- economic characteristics, land use and travel patterns. | $63.20 Details |
Urban Travel Demand Modeling
by Norbert Oppenheim, Robert Oppenheim |
For senior- and graduate-level courses, as well as for transportation professionals, academics, and researchers, Oppenheim (Institute for Transportation Systems, CUNY) presents state-of-the-art modeling techniques that can be used to predict and plan for transportation problems as well as other activities such as land use, city planning, and traffic engineering. | $160.00 Details |